Thursday, May 24, 2007


I don't care who you are. If you can't appreciate this display of totally tublar eighty's-ness, then you are dead to me.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

On that Note



I See Your Michael Jackson Laser Beams and Raise You The Jackson Five (and glitter socks)


Pocky Feel Coke Yes Hi

Doc, You Made A Time Machine Out Of A...


My Buddy

Get In Shape Gurrrlll

Mmm Hmmm...


Whiz Kids

I was an 11 year old kid and LOVED this show.


Saturday, May 5, 2007

Such a Total Douche

Tutti Frutti


Kootie Pie

And the 'music video' version:

You Know

More Mickey D's

LSD anyone?

Apparently, back in the day, you could get high with "The Ron Man".

Old School McDonald's Commerical

Free burgers? Check.

Life lessons? Check.

Insanely creepy Ronald McDonald?


Charles Nelson Reilly in a Banana Costume

Oh. My. God.

Domino PC's

The Weirdest Cereal Ever

I still have my Hamhose Freakies magnet.

You Can't Do That On Television

I used to watch the hell out of this show for some unknown reason. Maybe because of Christine McGlade's 'pear shaped' figure. Here's the intro:


Was Snagglepuss the first suggestively gay cartoon character?

You be be the judge:

Mr. T!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Bird? Plane?

Nah. It's BIBLEMAN!!!

And yes, it is the blonde, curly headed dude from "Charles in Charge" (he's not even worth Googling).

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Tra La La

Ok I've been avoiding posting this but I just have to. Undoubtedly the most horrible song / video ever, not to mention Germans trying to be sensual always ends up being repulsive. But there you have it.

Which just goes to prove my point - Germans love David Hasselhoff.

Paul Lynde and KISS

Well Hellooooo!

I should really just move to Australia.

The Star Wars Holiday Special (in 5 minutes)

This Actually Happened To Me Today



Brown 25

Grab on to..

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Sparky's Magic Piano

Music Time!

Courtesy of Styx. The. Greatest. Band. In. The. History. Of. The. World!

Once upon a time

The Fart: A Short Film - Click here for this week’s top video clips

Proud To Be Awesome


News you can use

Hubert Hoffman, a 45 year old Polish man is now the subject of a nationwide manhunt by the Polish police after he was charged for farting loudly in response to his sentiment about the president.

Having been earlier arrested by the police in a routine check at a Warsaw railway station, Hoffman complained to the arresting officers that President Lech Kaczynski and his twin brother Jaroslaw, was responsible for turning Poland back to a Communist style dictatorship. He was reprimanded to show more respect for the country's rulers.

Hoffman replied with a loud fart and was immediately arrested. He was charged for "contempt for the office of the head of state."

He was later released on bail but failed to show up at a Warsaw court in early October to stand trial and the judge on case rejected an appeal by his lawyers to drop the charges. Remarkably, the court then ordered police to start a nationwide hunt for the man.