Sunday, December 9, 2007

It's a Wonderful Life

For your viewing pleasure, here is It's a Wonderful Life in its entirety, created by Frank Capra in 1946.

Pop some popcorn, sit back, and watch one of the greatest films ever made. Merry Christmas.

Note: Click the CC button to see subtitles in place of / addition to the sound.


  1. This may be your best post here ever.

    Nice find, yo.

  2. I found it about a year ago - waited until Christmas to put it up..

  3. My only problem with this movie is that if George was going to jump in to commit suicide, how come when Clarence jumped in and he jumped in to save him he didn't die? I can accept the premise that Clarence didn't because he was an angel - but why was it suddenly different for George when he saved Clarence - all I can come up with is that because he saved an angel he was protected. Which seems a bit far-fetched considering that the rest of the movie is perfectly thought out in every way.
